Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 30, 31

Finish your Plan: Criterion C

Next, on to CREATE - Criterion D

According to the IBO: 

Students are expected to document, with a series of photographs or a video and a dated record, the process of making their product/solution, including when and how they use tools, materials and techniques.  Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.  This means that you must have a process journal and that it is a necessary component of this criterion.

To get a 5/6:

The student competently uses appropriate techniques and equipment.
The student follows the plan and justifies any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

Learning Objective:  The student will: use a range of appropriate techniques and equipment competently; ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others; follow the plan to produce the product/soltuion; evaluate the plan and justify any changes to the plan (when necessary); and create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 23, 25, 26
Year 11 the above image is of a new infographic start up company which will be launching soon - it looks really cool. (Remember you saw it here first - lol).

You should be working on your Design and Plan this week.  Remember, that in the Design, you are primarily concerned with "how" aesthetics/composition.  You want to make sure that your pages are attractive.  How will you arrange your data so that it is both attractive and informative?  What colours, fonts, font size, font colours will you use?  How and where will images fit into the mix?

Plan - your plan should basically consist of a timeline saying when you will complete your project.  It should also include a section that lists details/steps on how to: start a wiki, make a page, insert a link, insert a video, insert an audio file, change font type, change font size, change font colour - well I hope you get the idea.

Learning Objective for Design: generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification; evaluate the designs against the specification; select one design and justify its choice.

Learning Objective for Plan: construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective use of resources and time
3. evaluate the plan and justify any modifications to the design.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cool or not cool?

What does joy have to do with learning? Well,just about everything. To read this amazing blog post by Dean Shareski:

Oh, Wow! Videos - my new favourite thing!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Videos are becoming increasingly important. . .

Across More Classes, Videos Make the Grade

In some science and writing courses, final papers are giving way to multimedia

Film students aren't the only ones producing videos for homework these days. Professors teaching courses in writing, geology, forensics, sociology, anthropology, foreign languages, and many other disciplines now assign video projects, pushing students to make arguments formatted for the YouTube age. 

To read more . . .

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9

Whether you like Coca Cola or not, you have to applaud their 125th anniversary.

2. Develop A Design Brief
This is the step where you ask and answer 4 or 5 questions to "drive" your Investigation. These questions will help you solve your problem.

-Start by defining "e-portfolio" and then explain how an e-portfolio can help you.
-Then research e-portfolios to see what should be included in an e-portfolio.
-From there look at 3 student e-portfolios to gather information and ideas.  Say what you like and what you don't like.  Say what you will use and what you won't.
-Research wikis (pbworks, wikispaces, wetpaint).  Choose a wiki and complete the tutorials.

Learning objectives: formulate and discuss appropriate questions that guide the investigation; identify and acknowledge a range of appropriate sources of information.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6 - English B

Tiago and Tiago, sorry I can't be with you today but I'm a bit under the weather . . .

You will be joining Ms. Eaton's English class today.

If you need an assignment - please work on the following: Year 11 - English B Essay Writing